A quiz is a set of questions relevant to recent learning. An effective quiz should be focused on a small area of learning and should not be too long. It could be based on a short unit, or even a piece of a unit or a reading.
Grade: intermediate, 6-7
For, of, as: of learning because we are seeing what has been learned
Summative or Formative? Summative.
Quizzes are easy to assess and collect data.
Results can be discussed as a class to fill gaps in learning.
Since most of the instructions are written on the quiz, little direct explanation is needed.
Some students have anxiety about tests and quizzes. Reading and writing level may impede a student’s ability to explain their answer or read questions.
Students may not understand questions or instructions. They could raise hands to ask for explanation help.
Quizzes can be boring, not creative and leave little room for autonomy over one’s learning.
Designing Better Quizzes: Ideas for Re-thinking Your Quiz Practices. Madison, WI: Magna Publications, Inc. 2018.